Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I started this Blog as a way for Maine families, who have children with disabilities, to connect with other families out there. These are families who are struggling with the way their school system is handling their child, the medical system, the need for treatments and access to the "secret" handbook on how to parent a disabled child. First off, I am a parent of two boys my oldest has ADD, diagnosed later in life, and my youngest is ADHD with a host of other issues that we are working to get a clear diagnoses on. This will be mostly about life with my youngest son as we have had the greater challenges with him. The greatest suggestion that I can give anyone is SPEAK OUT the moment you feel things are not going right. Demand the respect.. Know and Fight for your child's rights. Don't be afraid to tell other people. The more we as parents speak of this, the more others will understand.

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